Electronics design and development
Firmware and apps development
Are you looking for a partner for electronics design and development or software development?
Or do you need PCB design and embedded software or application for your product?
We are a reliable partner for development departments and for smaller companies.
Development of electronics, embedded software and applications
We focus on the electronics design and development. We have know-how from the field of industrial and retail electronics. We have developed plenty of devices for our customers.
Do you need professional assistance with PCB design and layout? We are able to complement your development team. We design PCBs in Altium Designer.
We have developed embedded software, which is used by devices all over the world and users can remotely update it via mobile or desktop applications. We are ready to develop embedded software for you.
We use the most appropriate and advanced tools to ensure the functionality and stability of your software product. We develop software in C#, Python, SQL and Node.js or JavaScript. We connect development from the fields of electronics and software.
We connect development from the fields of electronics and apps. We develop apps to work and to meet standards, to be documented and easy to pass. We have developed apps for smartphones and watches, that people use all over the world.
In addition to development of electronics, we also provide electronics production for our partners, especially PCB production and PCB assembly. We care about quality. We use verified suppliers. We arrange production from one piece to a large series.
Why choose us?
Forms of cooperation
Do you have a specific assignment or a project that does not require intensive collaboration? We will develop a bespoke product for you.
Do you have a concept and need to actively collaborate on the project? We will be happy to help! Together, we will create an agile team. We will communicate with each other on a weekly basis, but if necessary, we can be in contact every day.
Do you need bodyshopping for one of your technologies? We will agree on the terms individually.
Take a look at our referential projects
Electronics and apps for airsoft
Electronics and embedded software of the Leviathan device controls airsoft gun shooting parameters and enables its setting through smartphone application. Controlled parameters are e.g. cadence, burst length, spring pretensioning etc. The smartphone application enables statistics tracking and evaluating. We have been communicating on a weekly basis over the years with JeffTron.

Other referential projects
Road weather station
Robotic optic cable laying
Chamber control unit
Clients who have given us trust