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How we ensured on-time delivery of a key project through outsourcing
ASN Plus in collaboration with JeffTron has completed the development of smart electronics for airsoft guns. Our task was the complete design and development of the hardware and embedded software, and thanks to efficient outsourcing we met strict deadlines and delivered the project on time.
Embedded Systems Programming: 15 Basic Tips and Tricks for Efficient Development
If you are developing electronic devices such as smart watches, wireless headphones or industrial sensors, programming the embedded system is essential. In this article, we'll cover 15 essential tips and tricks for effective development.
5 Reasons to Choose ASN Plus as Your Development Partner
Are you considering outsourcing part of the development of your products or IT systems to an external provider? Then you are in the right place! In this article, we will present 5 key reasons why ASN Plus is the ideal choice for external development projects.
Progress of Cooperation with ASN Plus: A Comprehensive Approach from Idea to Final Product
ASN Plus has been operating in the electronic development market for many years and thanks to its experienced professionals and procedures it guides customers through the process of creating an electronic device or system. In this article, we will present the stages of cooperation in more detail.
Basics of Electronic Design for Beginners
More and more people nowadays are interested in how electronic devices work and would like to dive into designing their own. Here, we'll briefly introduce the basic phases of electronic device design and provide some useful tips for complete novices in the field of electronic design.
Digitalization - An Essential Step for Modern Business
Technological advancements in recent years have dramatically changed the environment in which companies operate. To be successful, they must keep pace with the latest trends. One of the key trends is the digitalization of products - adding "smart" features using sensors, connectivity, and software.
Modern communication solutions: WiFi, Bluetooth, UWB, NB-IoT and other technologies
Modern technologies enable devices to communicate and interact with their environment at a new level. In this article, we will look at some of the most important trends in wireless communication and how ASN Plus can help you integrate these technologies into your product.
Digitization of tradition: why companies without their own development need electronics
Digitization is a necessity for every company that wants to survive in today’s competitive era. Traditional companies that deal with manufacturing, services or trade cannot ignore the technological changes that affect their customers, suppliers and competitors.
AIoT or Artificial Intelligence of Things
At ASN Plus, we have always found the Internet of Things (IoT) to be a fascinating area. Recently, we've fallen under the spell of artificial intelligence (AI) - and maybe you're on the same wavelength. When you combine these two breakthrough technologies, the result is AIoT, or Artificial Intelligence of Things.
AME - a new concept in electronics manufacturing
Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME) or additively manufactured electronics is an emerging process that takes the field of printed electronics to a new dimension. In this article, we will introduce the two basic categories of AME, which are referred to as "fully additive" and "printing on 3D surfaces".
External prototyping costs for electronic devices are half the cost of internal development
This year almost every second enquiry from our customers started with "I've run out (or am running out) of budget for my in-house team and the end of development is still in sight, can you do anything about it?" Of course, we will never leave you "in the lurch", we can take over internal projects and see them through to completion.
Embedded Systems in Practice: Do They Deliver Real Value?
Embedded systems not only introduce innovation and transform conventional products but also unlock new potentialities and generate value for consumers. Join the revolution and discover the genuine value embedded systems can bring to your product.
Printed circuit boards will be dissolvable in water
It seems that our industry has now also been hit by a major innovation in the field of sustainability. Printed circuit boards (PCBs), which have hitherto been a high environmental burden in terms of waste management, can now be recycled very easily.
Native vs multi-platform app development
In native development it is necessary to count on longer time and higher development costs. For most apps which we meet in our practice, it is a better choice to use multi-platform development, because it does not mean a big financial burden. For example BMW corporation has chosen to go in the multi-platform way of development and they created this way their own app My BMW in Flutter.
Multi-platform development of apps with Flutter framework
Mobile app development becomes even more complicated if you want to aim for both today's biggest platforms - Android and iOS. Both platforms use different development environments, programming languages and libraries. This implies that if you want to create two identical apps, one for each platform, you have to do most of the development twice. But does it really have to be like this? No! Let’s take a look at it in more detail.
Do you need a desktop application for Linux?
There are a lot of solutions for Linux operating system desktop apps development. We are going to describe two solutions which are tested and we use it in our daily practice in ASN Plus. You will have a bigger picture of options for apps development and you will be able to decide which solution to use after reading the article.
Electronics, app and airsoft - unconventional synergy.
If you are not much oriented in airsoft sport, you probably do not know company Jefftron. Its focus is specific in many ways. Its products target a large community of amateur and professional airsoft players. The company has achieved worldwide success with its project Leviathan, which was developed by our company ASN Plus.
Bootloader - solution for remote firmware update
Do you need to place your solution on the market as soon as possible, but you know that you will want to improve the firmware in future with new functions at the same time, like companies such as Tesla does for their cars? It is not necessary to recall the device from the market, because there is a solution for firmware remote update! The solution is to use the bootloader, firmware update will be fast, secure and user friendly.
What actually is a PCB redesign? Now is the time!
One of the services that we commonly do in ASN Plus for our customers is the PCB redesign. Companies request the reworking of existing electronics designs from our company more and more often. They need to update it to match their actual demands.
The most common mistakes in PCB design
In the recent article we focused on the most common mistakes in schematic design. Precisely made schematic is thereby essential for PCB design. Schematic itself is definitely not enough. Let’s move a step further - we will advise you how to design functional PCB on first try without the mistakes.
The most common mistakes during schematic design
Are you interested in schematic design? Then take attention for common mistakes which lead to malfunctioning designed electronics. Our engineers have designed that amount of schematics, which could cover the football game field. Thanks to their extensive experience, they know what to avoid. We have decided to sum up their recommendations and pass on the know-how we have been building for years. We believe our tips can help beginners, as well as advanced hardware developers.
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