Take a look at our collaborations


Complete Ecosystem for Smart Fireplaces

Bef Home is a European manufacturer of fireplaces that wanted to offer its customers smart remote control. We developed a complete ecosystem for them, including a compact control unit with ESP32-S3, a mobile app for temperature control and a backup power supply. Our solution includes Matter and Modbus TCP protocol integration, enabling connectivity to home and professional automation systems.

WallBox EcoVolter

E-Mobility - Portable WallBox EcoVolter

For R-EVC, we created a portable WallBox with advanced security, smart charging and OTA updates. The device supports remote control via a mobile app and includes modular extensions such as an LTE module or a certified electric meter, meeting the latest standards for EV charging.

Innovative microfarm

Warning technology for special vehicles

HOLOMÝ approached us with a request to develop firmware and software for their warning systems. From the initial delivery of a ready-made solution, the cooperation evolved into an active involvement of our team in the partner's development team, which enabled the effective integration of new technologies and flexible extension of functions according to customer needs.

Innovative microfarm

Control unit cost savings by switching to Silicon Labs

A well-known global company approached us with a requirement to optimise a control unit for mass production. We replaced the original STM32 solution with a microcontroller from Silicon Labs, resulting in a more compact design and a significant reduction in manufacturing costs. In addition to the hardware redesign, we also implemented a software reimplementation to meet the high demands for quality and reliability.


Customized IoT controller and communication applications

For a major technology company, we developed a complex IoT system with firmware for the ESP32-MINI controller, a mobile application in Flutter and a desktop application in .NET. The solution enables the connection of up to 24 slave units and provides reliable control and monitoring via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Device for wastewater analysis

Device for wastewater analysis

Kofatec GmbH is a Swiss company which focuses on scientific research and development of unique products which do not exist on the market yet. We cooperate in electronics and embedded software development of specialized product for wastewater analysis. Device is being developed for mass production in thousands of pieces with a certification for explosive environment zones (ATEX).

Dry Cabinet Unit with mini PC

MP Dry Cabinet - Dry Cabinet Unit with mini PC

We have been cooperating with MP Elektronik for many years. We have collaborated on the software development and hardware development for the MP Dry Cabinet control unit. The original control unit was based on compute module 4. However, as time went on, we received feedback that MP Elektronik's customers preferred a system based not on Linux OS, but on Windows OS, which brings them some certain advantages.

Parcel locker

DistriBox - Parcel locker

3iD is a provider of comprehensive solutions from development to implementation of machineries. It produces DistriBox devices, which is a smart parcel locker for food and medicines. ASN Plus needed to solve the complete hardware and embedded software design, including Python software for communication between the embedded software and 3iD's application software.

Electronics and apps for airsoft

Electronics and apps for airsoft

The embedded software of the Leviathan device controls airsoft gun shooting parameters and enables its setting through smartphone application. Controlled parameters are e.g. cadence, burst length, spring pretensioning etc. The smartphone or smart watches application enables statistics tracking and evaluating. We have been communicating on a weekly basis over the years with JeffTron.

Chamber control unit

Chamber control unit

MP Elektronik corporation is a provider of complex services for the electrotechnical industry. It produces MP Dry Cabinet devices, which are being sold all over the world. MP Dry Cabinet is an air-conditioned chamber which keeps constant climate conditions for electronic components storage. The unit fully controls and monitors the climate conditions in the chamber. Desktop app differentiates user permissions and supports several verification types such as PINRFID, or fingerprint.

Road weather station

Road weather station

Corporation Medipo is a road weather station producer. These stations are used mainly for road maintenance indication. We develop new hardwareembedded software and web app for station servicing within the framework of cooperation. Weather station uses several external probes with analogue output for temperature, conductivity, voltage and current measurement.

Robotic optic cable laying

Robotic optic cable laying

We involved in the development of a robot for laying optic cables in sewers without the need of excavation works. As part of the project, we implemented the robot peripherals control systems such as gyroscopes, encoders, servos, both on the embedded software side and on the web app side. We have developed a low latency and high image quality camera stream solution for real-time control of the entire robot.

Control unit for golf carts

Control unit for golf carts

Elmet is a Czech company engaged in the production and development of electronics, precision mechanics, medical and laboratory technology. One of the company's projects is the development of electric golf trolleys. As part of this project, Elmet approached us to help him innovate and optimize the control unit for golf carts. Our task was also to prepare the electronics for future expansion for control using mobile devices or smart watches.

Door Control Unit

Door Control Unit

The device controls door openings in public transportation buses. It enables setting door opening and closing speed and fluency including the gripping force. The device controls signalization buttons and other peripheries.

Referee recorder

Referee recorder

Referee recorder is designed for professional referee use. In case of a controversial moment during the match the referee presses a button and the device creates a time track. When the match finishes, the referee transfers the time tracks via NFC technology to the smartphone application. The referee is then able to go through only the selected time tracks instead of going through the entire match record.

USB charger + Qi charger

USB charger + Qi charger

Ultra small size USB charger for chair, nightstand, panel, public transportation, smart bench etc. installation.

Why choose us?

Established in 2014

Established in 2014

15 team members

15 team members

Our experts have 12+ years of experience

Our experts have 12+ years of experience

3-5 new partnerships every year

3-5 new partnerships every year

50,000+ devices on all continents (USA, Australia, Japan, Europe)

50,000+ devices on all continents (USA, Australia, Japan, Europe)

International cooperation (CZ, NL, CH, USA, DE, FR)

International cooperation (CZ, NL, CH, USA, DE, FR)

Forms of cooperation

Do you have a specific assignment or a project that does not require intensive collaboration? We will develop a bespoke product for you.

Do you have a concept and need to actively collaborate on the project? We will be happy to help! Together, we will create an agile team. We will communicate with each other on a weekly basis, but if necessary, we can be in contact every day.

Do you need bodyshopping for one of your technologies? We will agree on the terms individually.

You will appreciate:

Our flexibility and ability to help your current developers team

Precise project management

We will share our know-how gained during our projects in USA, EU and Switzerland.
We will share our know-how gained during our projects in USA, EU and Switzerland.
Our goal is to develop the functional device according to your expectations
Our goal is to develop the functional device according to your expectations, we don't need exact assignment, idea or direction is sometimes enough. At the same time we are using standard project tracking applications as JIRA, Trello, etc.
We are prepared for changes in the assignment and we respond to them during the development.
We are prepared for changes in the assignment and we respond to them during the development.
We work as a team, roles of supplier/subscriber go aside.
We work as a team, roles of supplier/subscriber go aside.
We respect your know-how.
We respect your know-how.
We measure our colleagues work effectivity for several years
We measure our colleagues work effectivity for several years. We use the CAFLOU® application to manage the effectiveness of projects, tasks and ToDos.
We are able to estimate the time scale of the project and then effectively manage time and costs.
We are able to estimate the time scale of the project and then effectively manage time and costs.

Clients who have given us trust

Let’s consult your project!

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